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Bumbum Co

BumBum Co Bag - Once off Reusable Complete Enema Bag

BumBum Co Bag - Once off Reusable Complete Enema Bag

Regular price R 1,100.00
Regular price Sale price R 1,100.00
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Our 2L enema kit is made from 100% medical grade non-toxic silicone designed for home use and travel. Our BumBum Co Enema Bag is easy to set up, use and clean, perfect for both water, tea and coffee enemas. Includes spare enema tips, a hook, waterproof carry bag and an extra long hose to allow for use in any space. Set up is less than 1 minute and watch our How To Do An Enema video for step by step instructions on how to use the kit and perform your first enema.

Key Benefits

- Supports liver detoxification
- Increase glutathione production
- Designed for coffee enemas
- High levels of caffeine and palmitic acid
- Fair-trade and ethically sourced
- Clean and mould free coffee
- Suitable for Gerson Therapy
- Makes 30-40 coffee enemas
- Pre-ground to make life easy
- Air-roasted and made in small batches

How to Use

Watch our step by step video guide to see how easy it is to perform a home coffee enema.

Steps include:

- Prepare coffee in plunger
- Allow to cool
- Set your space
- Pour coffee into enema bag
- Insert the hose tip
- Unclamp and allow coffee to flow in
- Ideally hold for 12-15 minutes
- Sit on toilet to release

Once finished, rinse enema bag with water, add cleaner and hang to dry.

Repeat as often as necessary or desired. This is your wellness tool to provide relief and freedom in your daily life.

How It Works

Coffee enemas stimulate phase one and phase two liver detoxification.

When absorbed rectally, the caffeine in the enema coffee gets transported straight to the liver via the portal vein and stimulates the following:

- Increase bile flow in liver and gallbladder
- Dilation of the bile ducts
- Increase glutathione up to 500%
- Parasympathetic nervous system
- Immediate bowel movement to follow
- Elimination of toxins

Why this is important:

Glutathione is the bodies master antioxidant, crucial for detoxification. The liver uses glutathione to bind free radicals, heavy metals, used hormones and toxins which can then safely leave the body. Coffee enemas are the most effective way to boost production of glutathione which can have incredible benefits for your entire well-being.

Coffee enemas may also help to physically remove:

- Intestinal parasites
- Candida yeast overgrowth
- Compacted stool and wind
- Mold and gut inflammation
- Bad bacteria
- Used hormones

During a 15 minute coffee enema the entire blood supply passes through the liver 4-5 times for filtration. Removing toxins and chemicals from the blood and tissue.

Coffee enemas are used by many holistic health professionals and are an integral part of the Gerson Therapy.

Dating back to the early 1900's, coffee enemas were used by nurses in WWI however, enemas have been recorded as early as 1500BC in all ancient cultures as a means of purification.

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