Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, commonly referred to as IBS, is a widespread digestive disorder that affects nearly 1 in 4 people. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, often including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and irregularity in bowel habits such as swining from constipation to diarrohea. IBS can often be worse in times of stress and is directly linked to inflammation in the body, bacterial/ yeast overgrowth or other unwanted organisms. Lifestyle factors largely contribute to IBS
Constipation & Diarrhoea
Although diarrhea and constipation are generally seen as opposites, it's possible to experience both with IBS and it's common for them to swing between the two. Severe constipation can lead to overflow diarrhea, where liquid stool passes around hard, impacted stools. People with IBS may alternate between diarrhea and constipation at different times, especially during times of stress. This is very unpleasant, often embarrassing and restrictive.
Abdominal Discomfort
Pain is typically felt in the lower abdomen or throughout the entire abdomen and often lessens after a bowel movement. Urgency and cramping are also common as the bowels swing between harder and loose stools. It can be inconvenient and trapped gas may feel like stabbing pains in the gut.
Extreme Bloating
Irritable bowel syndrome indicates there is dysbiosis in the gut and therefore it is common to feel very bloated, gassy and uncomfortable even when you haven't eaten anything.
Fatigue & Brain Fog
Fatigue is common side effect of constipation, often due to poor sleep quality, reabsorption of toxins back into the blood stream and poor nutrient absorption. Brain fog is also common when you are constipated as toxins are not being eliminated effectively. When the the gut is in dysbiosis which directly affects our mental clarity, energy levels and concentration.
What to do if you have IBS
f you've been suffering with IBS for some've probably tried it all.
From laxatives, increasing your fibre, drinking more water, lowering processed food intake, taking a probiotic, tons of supplements or following a special diet...
It can be exhausting and the advice either conflicting or unhelpful. However, the reality is, you need to find a solution because it's impacting your life significantly physically and emotionally.