Chronic Illness & Toxic Overload

Chronic diseases are long-term conditions with ongoing uncomfortable effects, that require on-going medical attention and limit the quality daily living. Most chronic diseases have no standard treatment which is why many turn to holistic and alternative practices. Cancer, auto-immune diseases, hashimotos, arthritis, fibromyalgia and diabetes are all chronic diseases.

Increased chemical exposure, an overburdened liver, poor lifestyle choices, high inflammation and colon compaction can greatly increase the risk of chronic health conditions.

  • Chronic Fatigue

    Persistent fatigue is a common indicator that your body is overwhelmed and struggling to manage the toxic burden. You simply do not have the energy to complete daily functions, no matter how much you sleep.

  • Brain Fog

    Difficulty concentrating, thinking straight and experiencing mental fatigue can be direct consequences of your body's ongoing battle against toxin accumulation and heavy metals. It may be difficult to make decisions or get motivated when your elimination pathways are blocked.

  • Chronic Pain (often unexplained)

    Chronic and persistant pain regardless of injury is a common sign that you are suffering with high inflammation and toxic overload in the body. Many auto-immune conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, joint pain, migraines and other "unexplainable" aches and pains in the body are signs of this.

  • Digestive Issues

    Bloating, IBS, constipation and diarrhoea are all common side effects of chronic disease as the gut may be in a state of dysbiosis. As the body tries to eliminate and inflammation toxicity it can feel the need to purge, or if the detox pathways are blocked from lifestyle, stress, diet or other factors, the bowels may slow causing compaction, constipation and other digestive discomfort.

  • Skin Breakouts

    When the liver and colon are overloaded, it is common for toxins to try to escape via the bodys largest detox organ - the skin. Breakouts, acne, rashes and psoasis are common signs of inflammation and toxic overload. Toxins can also interfere with your metabolism, making it increasingly challenging to manage a healthy weight. The appearance of extra fluid or puffiness is also common.

Tired of Trying everythinnngggg...

What Most People Don't Realise...

If you are on your healing journey, you've probably tried a variety of medicine, testing and holistic practices. Often we are so focused on what more we can put in to the body to fix us...when what we should be focused on is what we need to take out.

The Solution You've Been Looking For

BumBum Co was founded by detox and gut health specialists, who understand first hand just how debilitating having IBS and other gut issues can be. Our products are designed to give people natural relief from the comfort and privacy of home anytime they need.

We encourage people to take back control of their own health and have the freedom to live their lives pain and symptom free.

With many cancer treatment clinics, natural practitioners and holistic wellness centres using coffee enemas in their protocols, they are becoming more mainstream as an at home tool for managing inflammation, toxic overload and chronic illness.